Ahead of the Astrology Controversy.... JADE LUNA sheds some light
Lucy is not a Pieces? Mary's not technically an Aquarius? What??? Thanks to Jade Luna, we were actually ahead of the zodiac sign debate that has been lighting up the media the past couple weeks. Jade, yes Jade Luna is his given name, has been practicing the only astronomically correct system of astrology for over 16 years. His book ASTERIAN ASTROLOGY came out on January 11th, the same day the media broke the news that Susan Miller and her counterparts were scientifically, astronomically incorrect. Everyone from the Washington Post to ABC News has been reporting on the uprooting of Western astrology. Why is Jade right?
Verified by the world of Astronomy, The New Era of Astrology is here! Think you know your Sign? Guess again. Western Astrology failed to calculate the precession of the equinox making it astronomically incorrect. The Greeks and Egyptians were aware of this phenomenon and calculated it into their Astrology systems. Jade Luna recreated the Ancient system of Astrology that was used throughout the Mediterranean. This 27 sign (Palace) based system is dedicated to the 27 main Gods of the Roman/Greco pantheon. Named after the Goddess Asteria (the Starry one), Asterian Astrology will be the Astrology of the future. Asteria, the mother of the Lunar Goddess Hecate was one of the two forces channeled by the Priests of Alexander the Great for Astrological information. Hecate being the other. After the conquests of Alexander the Great in northern Indian, the Greeks’ astrological system was enormously influential in the development of Hindu astrology. Unfortunately the relationship between the two systems had been lost over time UNTIL NOW! Asterian Astrology comprehensively blends Greco-Roman astrology and Hindu astrology (with its 27-sign zodiac). But it offers more than these two systems. In reconciling the two systems – Greco-Roman and Hindu – and using Western terms and accessibility in conjunction with the predictive aspects of Hindu astrology, Asterian Astrology brings astrology to a more accessible yet advanced level that will help people find their own true inner self. For the first time in 2,300 years the system of Astrology employed by the Priests of Alexander the Great is available, but be prepared, you are not the sign that you think that you are!
Buy the book and schedule a reading with Jade!