An online tool/app to make sure you get the best hotel room: ROOM 77
One of our biggest pet peeves when traveling is not knowing which room to pick at a hotel or walking into our room and feeling massively disappointed. We try to be helpful in our hotel reviews by steering in the right room choice direction but can't do it on such a grand scale as Room 77, a fantastic new resource devoted entirely to ensuring you get the best room possible. Their mantra that you could be paying the same price for the same class of room-- or heaven forbid paying more for a higher class room that is poorly located, has a view of a brick wall, etc.-- guides in vetting and reporting on hundreds of thousands of rooms in 16 cities. And that's just their jumping off point-- many more hotels and cities are coming. They also include tips from concierges, bell boys, and other hotel insiders at each spot. Travel with confidence and get what you deserve! We just read about this newly launched website/app on Urban Daddy yesterday and are thrilled to have it as part of our travel arsenal....