Brambila Salon hosts Back to School Hair Event for Boys & Girls Club by Mary
We've so been enjoying being back home after all of our exciting summer travels. Aside from autumn nesting and getting our homes pulled together, we're also giving back to our community. I volunteer at my local Boys & Girls Club every week which has been such a fun and rewarding experience. We read, do homework, play games-- my Four Square has gotten pretty competitive, make bracelets, collages, on and on!
Yesterday, my good friend Mary Brambila, of Brambila Salon in Santa Monica, and I put a Back to School Make Over Event on for some of the kids at her salon!
Mary and a team of five other hair stylists donated their services to give the kids haircuts and styles to help them look and feel their very best for the new school year. LouLou of LouLou Hair did a little bit of fresh and pretty make-up for the girls.
Cookies donated by Aurelie the Cookie Guru were a major hit with all of us-- they were soft and delectable with melty chocolate on top and inside-- yum! A big thanks to Mazda as well for donating Silly Bandz bracelets, beach balls and toy cars, and Schwarzkopf for all of the hair products the kids got to take home-- the gift bags were very exciting.
Stay tuned for loads more pictures and videos from the event! Mary's husband Derek Pratt, a professional cameraman, took time away from his busy schedule shooting the popular network reality shows to film all afternoon and Briana, one of kids from Pacific Branch did a great job as on air host.
Thanks so much to everyone who made this event possible!! If you are a local business and would like to collaborate on an event for the Boys & Girls Club, please be in touch. Or if you'd like to volunteer or make a donation, click here!