Honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!

October is breast cancer awareness month-- over 200,000 women are affected by this disease every year.  Two ways you can help both bring attention to the cause and raise money for research are by buying things!!  It's a win-win.

Our family's winery (yes, cousin Andrew Firestone's branch of the family) Curtis Winery is doing a "Pink" sale this month to help fight breast cancer.  They are selling corkscrews, specially designed t-shirts and bottles of their delightful Rose wine and for each sale, $1 goes to the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara.

Why not purchase some "Ribbons of Love" candles by Archipelago to light while you sip your Curtis Rose?  The candles feature, "a fresh fragrant blend of Pink Grapefruit, Clementine and Pomelo," and half of the revenue from sales of "Ribbons of Love" products goes to breast cancer research and treatment. Instead of buying those $70 candles that are an outrage in and of themselves for costing that much and don't do anyone any good, why not spend $25 on one of these candles and help make a difference?