Our friend (and Jen Aniston's pal & yoga teacher!), MANDY INGBER, shares her yoga secrets...

We love Mandy.  She is an inspiring, down to earth, open, nurturing woman who has become a "yoga-lebrity"-- yoga teacher that is a celebrity-- in the last few years.  Her DVD "Yogalosphy" is being released at Barnes & Noble and she'll be doing an appearance and a signing at a local Los Angeles store next month!  We'll keep you posted on that.  At the crux of Mandy's approach is self-love-- appreciating and loving the body and the gifts we were each given.  Of course she helps us tone, tighten and maximize our gifts!!  We all want lean physiques like Mandy and her pal and client Jen A!!  Yes we do.  Well, watch and learn.

Mandy did this interview with Fit Sugar, a site we love!


Follow her on Twitter for updates and tips!  xoxox