Part 3 of trainer Julie Diamond's BIKINI BLAST series: Arms

Bikini season or not, your arms are always on display.  Have them looking their sleekest and best by following these six exercises!

Part3: Arms


1. Tricep Kickbacks:

*placedumbbell in right hand & place left hand on left knee (leaningforward-keeping back straight)

    *lift right elbow so upper arm is in linew/torso

    *slowly tense triceps & straighten arm to aposition where it is  almost locked&


    *slowly return to start position & repeat 15times than switch arms.

    *REPEAT 15 reps each arm


2. Bicep Curls:

*standw/feet shoulder width apart & hands to your sides, palms facing out,   holding dumbbells in each hand.

*keepback straight & slowly curl dumbbells toward shoulders with maximumcontraction (exhale on exertion).

    *slowly lower dumbbells to start position.

    *** elbows stay close to your sides --- NOSWINGING ARMS***

    *REPEAT 15 reps


3. Tricep Extensions:

    * Stand/sit upright w/back straight

*hold1 dumbbell directly over your head using both hands. (your hands form atriangle over your head w/biceps by ears).

*slowlylower your forearms behind your upper arms forming a 90 degree angle behindyour head.

    *bring forearms back to start position.

    *REPEAT 10 reps


4. Hammer Curls:

*standw/feet shoulder width apart & w/arms to your sides, palms facing your body, hold a dumbbell in eachhand.

    *alternating sides, slowly curl 1 arm up &back down.

    *REPEAT 15 reps


5. Tricep Dips:

    *with back to a sturdy chair/bench stretch legsout in front.

    *place hands on chair/bench w/fingertips facingforward & arms straight

     (holdingyourself upright)

    *slowly lower yourself downin front of chair/benchby bending elbows until

     armsare parallel to floor.

    *slowly & smoothly bring yourself up tostart position.

    *REPEAT 15 reps


6. 21's - (3 part curls):

*standwith feet hip width apart, hands to your sides, palms facing out &   holding a dumbbell in each hand.

    *curl arms as a standard bicep curl but stopMIDWAY & perform 7 reps.

    *next begin midway & curl arms from midwayto shoulder & perform 7 reps.

    *finally, curl arms with a full range of motion-bottom to top- & perform 7 reps.


