Staying Light in the Darkness: Tips & Tools by Mary
The other day I went hiking in the hills above Montecito in an area that had been devastated by the Thomas Fire of late 2017, and then released as the harrowing Montecito mudslide that followed in January 2018. I hadn’t been up there since, and for some reason I was drawn there with Napper that day. Walking on the incredibly green and lush trail with wildflowers blooming all around us, we began to notice the blackened tree trunks that dotted the landscape. These trees that had been charred by fire were bursting with branches covered in new green leaves and flowers. It was such a reminder that life does go on, we are resilient and our capacity for love and healing is profound. I would even argue that our ability to love and connect and support one another is expanded and fortified because of what we are globally being faced with- our survival. How can we not just survive this, but transcend this?
I know for me that watching the news, reading it, being sucked into fearful threads of conversations, and looking at too much social media has an adverse affect on me and my mood. The fear really is contagious as well as unhelpful and actually immune system suppressing. While staying informed is one thing, I’ve found limiting my exposure to the barrage of media has helped me and my family stay happier, more positive and healthy.
In case you are interested, here are a few other tools and practices that have been helping me during this time:
Meditation- there are so many apps if you don’t have a practice already. Sit quietly and comfortably for a few minutes focusing on your breath and letting any thoughts that come pass by and release without examining them. You might find an online course for Vedic or Transcendental Meditation if you want to dive deeper.
Reading inspirational books and journaling- Lucy, Napper and I all do a “morning meeting” where we sit alone and read something uplifting (two suggestions are Florence Scovel Shinn, who Lucy introduced me to, and “Ask and it is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks)
Moving my body! Shaking is a good way to release fear and stress from the body. Taryn Toomey’s The Class is streaming classes (14 days free) and also has recorded classes you can do anytime. Lauren Roxburgh is offering free immune boosting movement and foam rolling classes – the foam roller is such a gift especially during this time when our bodies are processing so much stress.
Getting outside – Vitamin D, fresh air, sunshine- invaluable! Immune and mood boosting!
Taking an online course! Napper and I are taking the Joe Dispenza course right now and it is so relevant.
Watching funny or inspirational movies or TV shows. We loved, “Booksmart,” “Blinded by the Light,” and “To Catch a Thief” was a way to bask in the glory of the French Riviera with Grace Kelly and Cary Grant without literally going there.
Taking baths with Epsom salts if you have them. The salts help draw toxins and anything unhelpful from the body. I like to add a few drops of essential oils to mine.
Being creative. For me that is mostly writing, but painting and drawing with my kids, baking, and dancing has been a fabulous outlet! Up next, Lucy and I are going to film and offer some virtual Wild Precious Life sessions. We can’t wait to share.
Be grateful! Thinking about and writing down, as well as saying aloud, and practicing what I am grateful for throughout the day. One thing I am so grateful for during this time is being able to be home- to have a home that feels safe and cozy and inspiring. After the evacuations and the mudslide that destroyed our home, I am even more grateful for having a home to “shelter in place” in!
Donating to people and organizations who need help now. I signed up for the monthly Doctors Without Borders donation to support efforts around the globe and locally their are restaurants and catering companies doing to go orders as well as donating meals to families in need- Duo Catering is one of our local favorites.
Please share tools and resources that have been helping you! We are all in this together.
Love to you,
Mary xox