What is TRX?TRX & Suspension Training is a versatile piece of exercise equipmentwhich the U.S. Navy Seals developed out of the necessity & need tostay in peak physical condition while in remote locations.
(Ok --- I admit --- the fact that NAVY SEALS use this contraption tostay in shape is what made it irresistible to try --- I mean, thoseguys are SERIOUSLY FIT!)
TRX has heavy duty black & yellow straps with buckles resembling seatbelts & looks somewhat like a Cirque de Soleil apparatus. At firstglance it can be intimidating but in reality it is quite basic & userfriendly. Most importantly it offers a fantastic FUNCTIONAL STRENGTHworkout by implementing gravity & your own bodyweight in order toprovide resistance.
Here are some of the many reasons I am a fan of TRX:1. It allows Range of Motion (ROM) for multi-plane exercises withvarying resistance. (especially important for athletes of all ages)2. It consists of sturdy materials yet is easily adjustable3. It has varying degrees of difficulty4. It recruits many muscles simultaneously5. It activates core muscles during each movement/exercise6. It is small & lightweight = easy transport & storage7. It can be used inside or in the great outdoors by anchoring tosomething solid (i.e. beam or strong tree)
There is a small learning curve in using TRX but once mastered thiscontraption is addictive because it improves flexibility, strength,balance & core stability.
I highly recommend incorporating TRX in your workout regime as awonderful means of Cross Training. As always, I am a strong proponentof "mixing it up" & constantly changing your workouts in order tocontinue to 'shock' your muscles, avoid injury and keep your trainingsessions exciting & challenging.
To find a trainer or studio near you that offers TRX training, go to:www.fitnessanywhere.com