Spoleto Festival in Charleston, SC

Charleston, SC

Charleston, SC Dock St. Theater

Charleston, SC is one of our favorite cities in the world and one of the most charming, historic and popular with visitors to boot.  Our mother is from Charleston and we spent a great deal of our formative years there-- summers, Christmases and Spring Breaks.  One of the coolest times to visit Charleston is during the Spoleto Festival which kicks off for 17 days next month.  From May 25th to June 10th, Charleston will be abuzz with theater, dance and musical performances- from wold famous performers as well as emerging artists.  Performances will be held in historic theaters, outdoor courtyards and in the many awe-inspiring churches of Charleston.

Vendue Inn

Vendue Inn

Mill's House

Mills House

Mills House

top two images Vendue Inn, bottom three Mills House

Stay at the Vendue Inn or the Mills House, we've stayed at both and they are right in the heart of town and walking distance to so much you'll want to see and do, eat and drink.

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