Spring Cleaning from the inside out with Winston of Winston Pilates! And an exclusive offer for our readers....
With bikini season around the corner, warmer temperatures and Spring fever in the air, we asked our gorgeous friend Winston Carney of Winston Pilates for her secrets on what she does to welcome in the new lighter, brighter season.
And here you have it:
Everything feels better with a little attention and a little spring cleaning! Inside and out is the key, so not only does one's environment need a freshen up, but I'm a believer that the body does as well.
I like to jump into spring with a cleanse. The idea behind a cleanse is to lower sugar, increase nutrients, balance your pH and allow your organs to rest and strengthen.
It doesn't have to be anything as severe as the Master Cleanse though, if that's your idea of heaven go for it!
If you have the time and inclination a juice fast is always terrific. Use organic veggies. Juicing gives you a concentrated source of nutrients which will help you detoxify while boosting your immune system. If juicing doesn't sound like fun and you live in LA, stop by Moon Juice on Rose Avenue in Venice. Amanda Bacon has created wonderful blends!
If you like to feel as though you can still eat while you cleanse, Metagenics makes a product called Ultra Clear Macro which gives the benefit of a cleanse while still being able to eat. The Ultimate Energy Cleanse was just brought to my attention and is the one I think I may try this spring!
Typically in the spring, I'll also change up my work out routine a bit. In addition to adding in an extra Pilates session or two a week, I like to up my cardio.
the fresh and intimate Winston Pilates studio in Santa Monica
I am a big supporter of cross training and always ask clients what in addition to pilates they are incorporating into their lives to bring balance to their workout. By the time April rolls around I am itching to get out and take long beach walks or runs to increase the exercise hours in my week. Adding three or four hour long walks a week can really help get you back on track after a long winter. I also may trade a spin class or two a week for Indo-Row with Josh Crosby which is a great change up and so fun.
Acupuncture is another piece of the puzzle that I use to make the transition from the darker days of winter to the lighter ones of Spring. I have two local go-to people that are wonderful - Adam over at Acutonix on Abbot Kinney in Venice is top notch and I've been seeing him for years. Emily Granville is also a wonderful acupuncturist and in a pinch will even come to you! Her number is: (310) 350-3089.
Though a bit more of a summer recipe than spring one, sometimes I have to cheat it early and make Gazpacho. A delicious family recipe from a spanish friend:
Classic Spanish Gazpacho
Tomatoes 4.4 pounds
Onion 1 big / 2 small
Garlic 2 cloves
Long green sweet pepper 2 small
Cucumber 1 small skinned
Olive Oil small wine glass
Wine vinegar 1/4 wine glass (to taste)
Water Add if needed
Put everything in a blender in small pieces. Add salt (to taste). When blended you have to pass it through a hand puree masher so that the tomato skins stay apart. Taste to correct vinegar and salt, remember it has to be made to fit your taste.
Serve cold with croutons or veggies on the side.
Keeps 2/3 days in the refrigerator.
Thank you, Winston! And especially thank you for a fantastic introductory offer exclusively for our readers to help you jump start your own Spring cleaning! Buy two private Pilates sessions and get the third for FREE. Taut, toned and centered just in time for bathing suit season!!
1327 Ocean Avenue, Suite D
Santa Monica, Ca 90401
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