BEAUTY PARK-- a medical spa in Santa Monica that can get rid of spots, lines... well pretty much anything!

We kept hearing about Nurse Jamie at Beauty Park in Santa Monica from numerous friends with lovely skin.  Apparently this woman was the answer to any and all skincare woes.  So we went for a consultation.  Nurse Jamie has been working in medical spas for over 10 years and is known for her "injectable facelifts," has numerous celeb clients, and "regularly has 7-10 clients on People magazine's most beautiful people list!"  Oh, so you mean celebrities weren't just born that way?  Nope!

Well, we did not get injectable facelifts (good to keep in the back pocket though for down the road....!) but we did get a skin tightening treatment, get unsightly moles, sun spots and broken blood vessels zapped off of our faces.  Literally, it is amazing -- with a tiny little pen-like instrument, Nurse Jamie just zaps the unwanted whatever and away it goes.  Depending on what it is and how big, it may form a tiny scab and then fall off a day later.

We also underwent a Pixel/Fraxel treatment on our faces and necks to remove sun damage, fine lines, shrink pores, make you glow, etc.  WELL, maybe we are glowing more than usual BUT do not get this treatment if you need to be out and about for several days!  We were meant to go to an event that same evening but instead were lying on the couch with flaming red faces, ice packs strapped on and necks that looked like a hickey competition had been conducted on them.  The aftermath was intense for us.  Yet after the redness faded and our skin recovered, our complexion was more glowy and even...

We love Nurse Jamie -- she is very relaxed about it all, which is good on the one hand, but if you are nervous customer make sure you get aftercare info, etc.  We'll be back for other treatments for sure!!