Get in shape for SKI SEASON by trainer, Julie Diamond

Ski Season is approaching ...It's time to  begin the periodization program for ski season (minimum8 weeks before season starts) --- the goal is to prevent injuries &prepare for a successful ski season.Put your ski "hats" on & let's go.

Part of what makes skiing fun is you can only do it certain times ofthe year --- that's also what makes it DANGEROUS!

GOALS:1) "get" & "stay" CONDITIONED2) even out MUSCULAR IMBALANCES3) increase CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE4) BUILD STRENGTH5) have FUN while reaching our GOALS!

REVIEW: all muscle groups are used in skiing but some more thanothers. Our body needs to work as a "team" which means although youonly have 1 body --- there are many "team members" who depend on eachother. --- i.e. muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, lungs, brain(yes --- you must always keep your 'head' in the 'game'), spirit &hair - ha --- just making sure you're still reading! : )

OBJECTIVES:1) Maximize Core Stability2) Increase Leg Strength & Stability3) Increase Balance & Flexibility4) Increase POWER - SPEED -AGILITY!5) Trunk Mobility & ROM (range of motion)


1) QUADRICEPS --- these muscles hold you in position when you ski &provide protection for your knees. (biggest injuries in skiing are:tearing of ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) & MINISCAL INJURIES.SQUATS & LUNGES (FYI : lunges should be done multi-directional,backwards, forwards, sideways, curtsy style etc.)2) HAMSTRINGS & GLUTES --- these muscles hold your body in a flexedposition when skiing downhill which requires great strength tostabilize the body.HAMSTRING ROLLS (with stability ball/medicine ball), HAMSTRINGCURLS, DEAD LIFTS --- be extra aware of your lower back whenperforming this exercise.3) ADDUCTOR & ABDUCTOR  = inner & outer thighs --- these muscles helpkeep your ski's together, stabilizes your body and assists in steering.SIDE LUNGES, INNER THIGH SQUEEZES, LEG LIFTS ( yes --- guys ---this goes for you too! )4) SOLEUS & GASTROCNEMIUS = CALVES ---these muscles help you stayupright when knees are bent - along with your ski boots.CALF RAISES5) ABS, BACK, HIPS = CORE --- these muscles are your foundation -skiing incorporates alot of twisting & rotating which requires corestrength & stability.WOODCHOPS, BACK EXTENSIONS, PLANK, RUSSIAN TWIST, STABILITYBALL BRIDGE, BICYLCES6) CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE --- in order to recruit all our musclefibers we need oxygen!CARDIO 3-5 X a week.  RUNNING, STAIRMASTER, SWIMMING, ROWING,SKATINGINCLUDE INTERVALS --- this is the fastest way to increaseendurance! i.e. W-out "1" = interval training 20-30 minutes, W-out"2" = med pace w-out 40 min, W-out "3" = short & intense 20 min, w-out "4" = med pace 45 min, W-out "5" =  long & slow 60 minutes.7) UPPER BODY - SHOULDERS, LATS, TRICEPS, BICEPS --- these musclesneed to be strong especially on a flat surface or uphill when usingyour poles.1 ARM ROWS, STABILITY BALL/BOSU PUSH-UPS,  LATERAL, FRONT, BACKRAISES, TRICEPS KICKBACKS, BICEP CURLS8) PLYOMETRICS --- for POWER - SPEED - AGILITY! don't forget propertechniques when doing plyos --- if done wrong you can do real damage!if you ever have questions re: how or what you're doing CALL ME FIRST!

To stay balanced, work your muscles "independently" i.e. = if doing alateral shoulder raise do 5 reps on your RIGHT side - standing onLEFT leg only --- than 5 reps on your LEFT side standing on yourRIGHT leg only.And remember: if you're right handed - your RIGHT side is your"strength/power"  side & your LEFT side is your "stability" side.(opposite if left-handed). So, stand on your RIGHT LEG often toincrease it's stability/balance & increase your REPS/WEIGHT on yourleft side to increase it's strength = this is to keep you balanced &keep your spine in alignment. Many of us have 30 + years ofcumulative wear and tear and this is a great way to assist your spine instaying strong for years to come!

Keep in mind: "IF STAYING IN SHAPE WERE EASY THEN THE WHOLE WORLDWOULD BE FIT!" - i love saying that : )

Let it Snow!Health & Happiness