Insider tips from aesthetician to the stars (and us!) Dee Bartolo on getting injections (that means Botox!) right....

We haven't done it yet-- the Big B-- Botox, but it seems to come up in conversation whenever there are a group of three or more of us girls hanging out.  When we do pull the trigger, we want to make sure that we don't wind up with bruising, frozen foreheads or other disasters....  So we asked Dee Bartolo, our beloved aesthetician who has kept our skin looking and feeling good for years (as well as a lot of Hollywood's A list) to share some secrets for making sure "injectables" go well.

Take it away, Dee!

With all of these recommendations, obviously check with your doctor first.

It is highly recommended to discontinue blood thinners, i.e. aspirin and fish oils (omegas 3, 6, 9) leading up to your procedure.  Avoid stimulants the night before and day of-- caffeine, alcohol, salt, spice-- this can reduce the possibility of bruising.

Begin taking Arnica immediately prior to the injection.  Have four pellets under your tongue during the procedure.  Some people recommend starting 3 days prior, but not necessary as there are no advantages until the day of.  Dosage recommended: 4 pellets under the tongue every three hours the first day, and then 4 pellets three times daily for the next two days.

If you do bruise, take 1 Bromelaine/Papain tablet every 3 hours for 1 day, then 1 tablet 3 times daily for 2 more days.  You can also apply Traumeel cream directly to the bruise.  In addition, ice cold compresses for 20 minutes the first day, then every 3 hours the next day can also help.  Put ice cubes into a bowl of cold water.  Soak gauze pads in the water, applying to bruise for 20 minutes, changing gauze often.

I also do oxygen treatments with homeopathic tinctures at the office which rapidly reduce bruising and swelling.

Note: when taking homeopathic remedies, do not touch the pellets with your fingers, just pour them directly into your mouth.  Also, do not drink alcohol or eat mint as this will interfere with the efficacy of the remedy.

Also, Botox has settled in place 15 minutes after the procedure, so no need to worry about bending forward or having to sleep with your head elevated, says dermatologist Dr. Lancer, who Dee works with.

Thank you, Dee!!  Now we can all be prepared when we take the plunge....

Again, please consult your doctor on all of the above tips!  xoxo