Our trainer Julie Diamond's Shares Her Fitness Tips for Embarking on a New Decade!
2010 is here! Not only a new year, but a new decade. A New Year means time to invest and/or reinvest in HEALTH! This includes creating fresh goals and new habits. Think of it as a game and you're playing to win.
Here are a few helpful strategies to get started:
1) Establish Goals for the Year! i.e. lose weight, firm & tone, run a
marathon, lower cholesterol, be in the best shape ever etc......
2) Schedule time to workout! Actually write it in your calendar as an
appointment & don't miss it! Now, be realistic w/your time & start
with what's manageable for YOU i.e. 30 minutes 3 X a week with
intention of increasing that every 3-4 weeks. You can even split your
workout into 10 minute intervals 3 X a day/3 X a week. Remember:
something is ALWAYS better than nothing.
3) Stay in the Game! = Stay Focused! for some it may help keeping a
workout & food journal, for others plaster pic's of where you want to
be in 3-6-9-12 months from now on your refrigerator, office etc ...
and yet others may need to team up with a partner and make each other
4) Drink Water! It fills you up, flushes toxins and our BODIES crave
it! I could go on 7 on about the benefits of water but i'll save that
for a later blog post.
5) Eat smaller, more frequent balanced meals every 2-3 hours in order
to keep your metabolism stabilized!
AND REMEMBER: "If It Were Easy, The Whole World Would Be Fit"!
Julie Diamond